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  • Eros Ramazzotti

    Yo soy tú → traduction en anglais

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I'm You

Everyone is born from a mother
The world is a city
A hug is like water
It's a necessity
Selfishness is the distance
Like a river, between me and you
Love gives us more fear
Than the war you'll create
Divided by colors
You'll recognize me
Without a name or a nickname, I'm you
When you wait for it to rain so you can cry
When you did all that there was to be done
But it wasn't enough
If you see the storm hiding the blue
You walk alone, but I'm you
Despite the evidence
And the false truth
Here the hope that something will change
Don't put the flag up, I'm you
When you wait for it to rain so you can cry
When you know you must decide
But you don't decide
If there's a hurricane breaking the blue sky
You walk alone, but I'm you
I've got nothing to teach you
I talk to you as if I were talking to myself
(I'm you)
I just took another road
(I'm you)
But I got here, just like you
Who has to fight each day to be better
To be brave to look at yourself at the mirror and see your reflection
(I'm you)
Sometimes you think that you bear the sky
And that there's no one under this weight
But look outside, there's a wonderful world
Everything is fair, everything is wrong
We're all more similar than we thought
Give me your hand
Let's play to kill violence,
be the change and give the world a better chance,
we forget that shit turns into flowers,
we forget that wood turns into violins.
(I'm you)
Couldn't we just play and forget the sorrow,
you don't need to beat your fellow man hollow.
All I know is life's something you borrow,
throw yourself into the flow I will follow.
When you wait for it to rain so you can cry
(I just want you to play)
When you did all that there was to be done
(Tell me, how do you play?)
I'm you
(Baby, say that we can.)
You walk alone, but I'm you
We all have a reason, all
And we're never alone if we don't want it
I'm you
We're all more similar than we thought
Give me your hand
Paroles originales

Yo soy tú

Cliquez pour voir les paroles originales (espagnol)
