La Russie a lancé une guerre honteuse contre l’Ukraine.     Soutenez l’Ukraine !
  • Melih Görgün

    Yoksun → traduction en anglais

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you are absent

where are you my rose i didnt find you ah nights
İts not lie i will die for three days will not stay in my sorrow
my strenth is not enough for you dont leave me without you
you are not here how much season passed
years is finished how much year passed anguish is near me
you are not here tears have finished in my eyes
i was burning for you im lonely in this case is over
im lonely my winds is with trace of sin
its not lie i stayed alone in these rooms
my strenth is not enough for you dont leave me without you
you are not here tears have finished in my eyes
i was burning for you im lonely in this case is over
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