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  • Zorica Kondža

    Zbog tebe ja plačem → traduction en anglais

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Zbog tebe ja plačem

Nekad si me zvao svakih pet minuta,
Kao…nisi ljubomoran,
Samo želiš znati gdje sam.
Nekad si me ljubio od glave do pete
Kao dijete kojem nikad nije dosta,
A sad…
Sad smo kao gosti u vlastitoj kući,
Dvije strane rijeke
Bez ijednog mosta.
Nekad si me čekala raširenih ruku,
Imala si pogled žene koja voli.
A sada…kada legneš, okreneš mi leđa...
A to tako boli,
A to tako vrijeđa.
A gdje je nestao sjaj?
(Refren x2)
Zbog tebe ja plačem u snu.
Što nas je to dovelo tu?
Reci riječ i pristat ću na sve
Tako me strah,
Zagrli me!
Otkada su ljudi razapeli Krista
I najveća ljubav zaluta u noći,
A naša još uvijek kao snijeg je čista.
Kaži da me voliš,
Gledaj me u oči.
Oduvijek su lovci pucali u srne,
Ali ja tebe ne dam.
Smiri se
I sanjaj…
A gdje je nestao sjaj?

Because Of You I'm Crying

You used to call me every five minutes're not jealous
you just wanted to know where I was
you used to kiss me head to toe
like a child that couldn't get enough
but now....
now we are like guests in our own house
two sides of a river
without a bridge
You used to wait for me with open arms
you had the look of a women in love
and now...when you lie down, you turn your back to me
and that hurts a lot
that is so offending
Where did the shine vanish...
Because of you I'm crying in my dreams
what brought us this far
just say a word and I will agree with everything!
I'm so scared
take me in your arms
Since people crucified Christ
even the greatest love gets lost in the dark
our is still white as snow
tell me you love me
look into my eyes
Hunters have always been shooting deer
but I'm not giving you up
calm down
and dream on...
Where did the shine vanish...