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Yellow Field

And you again, in my dream, your eyes other-worldly
Looking at me, like no others
You don't cry, don't ask if I want you
Just know, that you and I, like yellow field of flowers
And why, won't give in, but this seems strange today
And through tired eyes, from last night, mysteriously silent
I know, we're alike, time will help us to feel ourselves
Feelings, like waves, exhausted, strong, push to keep going
Yellow field! (7)
And again you, in my dream, your eyes unearthly
Looking at me, like no others
You don't cry, don't ask - if I want you
Just know, that you and I, like yellow field of flowers
Yellow field
Everything in this world is relative, and is no longer simple to change everyone
Because in opposite thoughts, couldn't unite limitless paths
Life - not a fairytale, all wearing masks, no escape from them
Feelings, like waves, exhausted, strong, push to keep going
Yellow field! (7)
And again you, in my dream, your eyes unearthly
Looking at me, like no others
You don't cry, don't ask - if I want you
Just know, that you and I, like yellow field of flowers
Yellow field
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