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  • Natacha

    Meitli → Angol fordítás

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Überall gsesch so coole Lüt
Wo aus im Griff hei ü wüsse wies geit
Sigs i de Clips i de Heftli u de TV Shows
S gseht aus perfekt us aus wär gar nüt gfaket
o i liebe glamour
u o i stah uf Chanel
u ga wyt für mi Lippestift
doch trou a keim cover
sisch nid meh aus ä Story
wo verplatzt wesi ufs Läbe trifft
Hei Meitli - Lue zu dim Läbe
Tue d Ouge uf u plan diner Züg
Ir Falle bisch schneller als dusse
Läb diner Tröim u gib alles drfür
Hei – Meitli Lue zu dim Läbe
Cool si isch Ok - aber nume äs Spiel
Muesch wüsse wast wosch u wohäre
Seisch o nid lut - zverliere hesch z viel
O mit em Sex u dr Liebi isches sone Sach
s wird viel plagiert u so weni isch wahr
Schnapp dr näbscht Mukis eine wo ou Hirni treit
u nim vertrousch süsch bisch nume ir Gfahr
Wiu hüt chasch frei wähle
muesch di nümme la Qüäle
vieli Wäge - die füehre nach Rom
u bruch diner Waffe
bis clever u du packsches
u schwümm wes mues si gäge Strom
Hey Meitli – häb sorg zu dim Läbe
S git nume eis widerhole chasch nid
Los guet was dr Buuch dir tuet säge
stang drfür i - o wes hert isch drby


Everywhere there are cool people/guys
who know right from the start what everything is like
I can see it in the videos, the magazins and TV shows
it looks perfect, as if there were no fakes
oh, I love glamour
I am fond of Chanel
and I would go far for my lipstick
still I do not trust in covers (imitations)
its not more then a bubble
who bursts when it hits life
Hi Meitli - .......... to your life
Open your eyes and plan your life (?)
While falling you are quicker.....
Live your dream and give everthing for it
Hi Meitli - .......... to your life
Beeing cool is ok but its only a game
You ought to know what you know and where it is from (?)
If it is only...... you have alot to loose
Also with sex and love there is one thing you should n´know
theres a whole lot talking about and only a little is the truth
Take one who has not only muscles but also some intelligence
.... trust in outherwise you are in danger
YOu are free to chose (what you want)
you do not have to torture yourself for a long time
many roads lead to Rome ( lead to your destination)
und use your weapon
you are clever and can make it
and swim against the current
Hey Meitli - take care about you life
you have only one, it cannot be repeated
listen to what your stomach (inner feeling) says to you
stand for it, even when it is....
Natacha: Top 3