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  • Don Baxter

    Bricheta → Angol fordítás

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Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu, nu, nu, nu fugi cu ea
Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu fugi cu ea
Zic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 brichete
Dau mai mult pe aprinzatoare decat dau pe tigarete
Traiti-ar maica-ta, dar nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu fugi cu ea, chiar daca face doar un leu
E trist cand ai rulat si n-ai cu ce sa aprinzi un Geo
Cere-mi foc mereu, ca nu te las la greu
Dar nu minti cand ce-ai in mana este lucrul meu
Citiți și:
Don Baxter a lansat videoclipul piesei „Bricheta“
Don Baxter și Smiley au lansat videoclipul melodiei „Statul“
Da, da, este a mea, vere
Nu vezi ca e zgariata, de la desfacut sticle de bere
Nu? Inseamna ca e a ta
O fi ramas la mine de cand am fost la nevasta-ta
Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu, nu, nu, nu fugi cu ea
Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Am zis: nu fugi cu ea
Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu, nu, nu, nu fugi cu ea
Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu fugi cu ea
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 trompete
Despre ce c*cat cantam
Despre brichete
Traiti-ar maicata
Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu fugi cu ea, chiar daca-ti place, ti-o dau eu
Mai am cateva mii, dar niciuna de-un leu
Cere-mi foc mereu, ca nu te las la greu
Daca mirosi a gaz, o sa te ard si eu
Da, da, da, o sa te perpelesc
Daca te controlez acum, sigur o gasesc
Boy-uletze, e la fel
Daca e asa, atunci promit sa nu mai trec pe la nevasta-ta
Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu, nu, nu, nu fugi cu ea
Nu fugi, nu fugi cu bricheta mea
Nu fugi cu ea

The lighter

Don't run, don't run with my lighter
No, no, no, don't run with it
Don't run, don't run with my lighter
Don't run with it
I'm saying 1,2,3,4,5,6 lighters
I pay more on firers than cigarettes
God bless your mother, but don't run, don't run with my lighter
Don't run with it, even if she's only 1 RON
It's sad when you rolled and you don't have nothing to ignite a Geo
Ask for light always, I'm not leaving you to the worst.
But don't lie when what's in your hand is my thing.
Yeah,yeah it's mine, cousin
Don't you see it's scratched, from opened bottles of beer
No? That means it's yours
Is it left to me since I went to your wife.
Don't run, Don't run with my lighter
No, no, no, don't run with it
Don't run, don't run with my lighter
I said: Don't run with it.
Don't run, Don't run with my lighter
No, no, no, don't run with it
Don't run, don't run with my lighter
I said: Don't run with it.
1,2,3,4,5,6 trumpets
About what shit were we singing ?
About lighters
God bless your mother
Don't run, don't run with my lighter
Don't run with it, even if you like it, I'm going to give it to you
I got a few thousands, but none of 1 RON
Ask for light always, I'm not leaving you to the worst
If you smell gas, I am going to burn you too
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm going to torture you
If I'm going to control you, I will surely find it.
Boy'uletz , it's the same
If so, then I promise I won't go to your wife anymore.
Don't run, don't run with my lighter
No, no, no, don't run with it
Don't run, don't run with my lighter
Don't run with it
Don Baxter: Top 3