Once Again, Calling All Japanese Translators...

2 posts / 0 new
Pending moderation

There are six pages of Japanese songs waiting to be translated from Japanese to English, and this doesn't even take into account any other translated languages besides English people might be looking for. I know there are some of you out there who have the skills to help out!

Go here and translate a song or two in your spare time - let's keep people coming back to LT! There's a neverending need for your help in this area with the popularity of Japanese artists, anime, video games, etc. :)

Do it... before I start posting bad J->E translations again.

Because I will!

<a href="/hu/translator/ryanasaurus0077" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1049827">ryanasaurus0077 </a>
Csatlakozott: 13.09.2009

Sorry to say this, but I think you forgot to link.