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  • Mara Aranda

    Mar de la meua mare → Angol fordítás

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Mar de la meua mare

Si a la guerra vas, t'haid d' acompanyar no et deixaré sol.
Els cabells tan llargs li diré a ta mare: ’els ha de tallar’.
Ens várem jurar que no ens soltaríem les mans
i que escriuríem els nostres noms a l’arbre gran.
Canviaré les faldesi els meus davantals,
Cobriré les cames amb longos camals.
Si a la guerra vas t'haid d' acompanyar
que sola o viudeta no em vull quedar
No m’enganyarás com un lladre fa,
No eixirás d’ací a l’empar de la nit.
Alts són els murs, altes són els torrasses.
Des de dalt la torre no es pot vore el mar.
Em canviareu el rull de les ones per camps.
Les escumes blanques ara són blat daurat.
Mar de la meua mare,
Mar del meu pasar,
Tan lluny com estás,
Tans anys que han passat.
Mar de la meua mare,
Mar del meu pasar,
Tan lluny com estás,
I mai no t’he oblidat.
Ni en els malsons, ni els negres auguris imaginar,
El dolor amb sal, com crema les galtes de tant plorar.
On s’han quedat les promeses que em vas donar:
Baix les pedres on posen les colobres els ous.
A la guerra vas qui sap si a tornar.
Als camps de la mort potser quedarás,
Els brins de romer batejats amb sang,
Els nobles valents femant els camps.
Desfaré els meus somnis, els ventaré a l’horitzó,
Dent de lleó! ni bufar ni demanar favor!
Que només Deu sap que durá l’avenir
Alce les mans, les creue per pregar.

Sea of my mother

If to war I must go with you, you won't go alone.
With your long hair, I'll say to your mother: 'he must get it cut'.
We swore we would never let go
and we would carve our names into the great tree
I'll change my skirts and aprons
for long breeches to cover my legs.
If to war I must go with you,
I don't want to be left alone and widowed.
You don't cheat me as a thief would,
You won't leave here under the cover of the night.
High are the walls, high are the towers,
From atop the tower the sea cannot be seen.
The breaking of the waves has been changed for the plains,
the white sea foam for golden fields of wheat.
Sea of my mother,
Mother of my sorrow,
So far away you are,
So many years have passed.
Sea of my mother,
Mother of my sorrow,
So far away you are,
And I shall never forget.
Not in the worst nightmares, nor my darkest visions,
Could I have imagined the salt in the wound nor how my years could burn my face.
Where are the promises you gave to me?
I only see stones under which the snakes make their home.
To war you go, who knows if you will return.
Perhaps you will remain on the fields of death.
The sprigs of rosemary bathed in blood,
Brave souls that have fed the plains.
My dreams will come apart and be carried away,
Like the seeds of the dandelion on the wind.
Only God knows what the future holds in store,
I hold my hands high and I pray.
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