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Ríu Ríu Chíu (Riu Riu Chiu)

Riu, riu, chiu
la guarda ribera /
Dios guardó el lobo
de nuestra cordera /
Dios guardó el lobo
de nuestra cordera.
El lobo rabioso
la quiso morder /
Mas Dios Poderoso
la supo defender /
Quizo la hacer que
no pudiese pecar /
Ni aun original
esta virgen no tuviera.
Riu, riu, chiu...
Este que es nascido
es El Gran Monarca /
Cristo Patriarca
de carne vestido /
Ha nos redimido
con se hacer chiquito /
Aunque era infinito
finito se hiciera.
Riu, riu, chiu ...
Este viene a dar
a los muertos vida /
Y viene a reparar
de todos la caida /
Es la luz del dia
aqueste Moçuelo /
Este es el Cordero
que San Juan dijera.
Riu, riu, chiu ...
Yo vi mil Garzones
que andavan cantando /
Por aqui volando
haciendo mil sones /
Diciendo a gascones
Gloria sea en el Cielo /
Y paz en el suelo
pues Jesus nasciera.
Riu, riu, chiu ...
Pues que ya tenemos
lo que deseamos /
Todos juntos vamos
presentes llevemos /
Todos le daremos
nuestra voluntad /
Pues a se igualar
con nosotros viniera.
Riu, riu, chiu ...

Riu Riu Chiu

Riu, riu, chiu
The river bank is protected
God has kept the wolf
From our ewe lamb
God has kept the wolf
From our ewe lamb
The rabid wolf
Wanted to bite her
But Almighty God
Knew how to defend her
He willed to make her
Unable to sin
Even original sin
This virgin did not have
Riu, riu, chiu...
The one who is born
Is the Great Monarch
Christ the Patriarch
Clothed in flesh
He has redeemed us
By making himself small
Though he was infinite
He became finite
Riu, riu, chiu...
He comes to give
Life to the dead
He comes to repair
The fall of all mankind
This Child
Is the light of day
He is the Lamb
Of whom St. John spoke
Riu, riu, chiu...
I saw a thousand Angels
Who were singing
Flying around
Chanting in a thousand voices
Saying to the shepherds
Glory in Heaven
And peace on earth
For Jesus is born
Riu, riu, chiu...
Now we have
What we desire
Let us go together
To present him gifts
Let us all give him
Our will
For he came
As our equal
Riu, riu, chiu...