Doubts translating from and to English

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Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Hi friends. I open this thread for users non native/fluent in english to post some doubts about English language Everyone is welcome to post too. Thank you

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Let me start this with this single phrase someone wants it translated to portuguese:


What does it mean? Thanks for reply ;)

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009
Lumekuninganna wrote:

I love that song. *sniff* I see it on the 'new' menu.

When a Christian decides to follow Jesus, they are given the Holy Spirit, which lives inside them. This is God's spirit, so the concept of letting the Lord "have His way in me" follows this. It's like, the person is not doing what they want to do, but what God would have them do. "Lord, have your way in me" - guide my steps, lead me, etc. (I wouldn't say "control me" because that sounds cruel.) But hopefully you get the idea. :)

Good idea for a thread, by the way!

Thank you very very much, now all of it makes sense. Coming back soon ... :)

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Hi I am back again. Please help me out here on this verse:

Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am a life that was changed.
Thank you for giving to the Lord
I am so glad you gave.

Is it that "to give to the Lord" means "to surrender" or something close to that? if it is not part of an idiom or similar, the verb to give is supposed to have a direct object, so to my understanding this phrase is incomplete and does not make sense. Thank you

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/mauler" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1052101">Mauler </a>
Telah bergabung: 17.01.2010

Bom dia,

Is this the the whole verse?
You might be right, it is probably "to give in" and that is synonymous to "surrender".

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Boa noite, Mauler

For me the whole verse is obscure as long as I don't realize what both [to give] verbs mean here. I was thinking of that verb being in fact "to give in", perhaps for the sound of the gerund could induce an invisible "in" :0, but in the 4th line "I am so glad you gave" would mean also the same?

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/mauler" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1052101">Mauler </a>
Telah bergabung: 17.01.2010

tricky, indeed...

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Thank you very much, you both. Now I've got it :)

<a href="/id/translator/lolam" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1067223">lolam </a>
Telah bergabung: 28.08.2010

This comment has been moved here.

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Hi there dear friends

I've just got this English phrase and I'm not sure about what it means.

“I always thought you were for the madhouse. No one ever listens to me.”

So I guess it might be

[1] I always thought you should go for the madhouse

Is it that "to be for" some kind of idiom? I'd like to see more examples, if necessary. Thank you :)

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/mauler" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1052101">Mauler </a>
Telah bergabung: 17.01.2010

According to Oxford dict. it seems to have to do with noise and/or confusion:
For instance: "The teacher has no idea how to control children. His classroom's a MADHOUSE!"
I think it is of course informal, but in your sentence something seems to be omitted:
“I always thought you were A CASE for the madhouse..."

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/mauler" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1052101">Mauler </a>
Telah bergabung: 17.01.2010

"One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest"? rofl

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Thank you very much, folks :)

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/citruswind" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1053687">citruswind </a>
Telah bergabung: 31.01.2010

Not sure if it's still useful to you but pride of place means the best spot or place. Like the one that would be used to display a trophy, for example.

Maybe in this case at the center or in one extreme of the mantelpiece next to another important photo (Her wedding photo) where it would be difficult for someone not to notice it.

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Oh sure it is!!! Thank you very much :)

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/citruswind" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1053687">citruswind </a>
Telah bergabung: 31.01.2010

Hi everyone

I'm having trouble translating a song I like (Kick ass by MIKA) so I was wondering if maybe someone could help me by explaining some lines to me.

1.- From the wrong to the right light (Is this an idiom or should I take it literally?)

2.- To an open stream (By stream he means a current or a data transmission, or something else?)

3.- Kick it up and down (Does this means something like take it up/down a notch or something else like literally kick something up and down?)

Thank you very much in advance :)

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/citruswind" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1053687">citruswind </a>
Telah bergabung: 31.01.2010

I like how that sounds, it makes a lot more sense now!

Thank you very much for explaining =D

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Hi friends,

I've got this sentence that I'm having a problem to decide what "creep" might mean:


i don't trust that in my opinion i think you should maybe creep his cell when hes in the other room

Would it be something like "to spy" or either "to take without permission"? Thank you :)

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/mauler" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1052101">Mauler </a>
Telah bergabung: 17.01.2010

rather the first. According to Oxford it means: move slowly or quietly or carefully (without being seen)...

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

I thought so, thanks!

Retired Moderator
<a href="/id/translator/ma%C3%ABlstrom" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1054906">maëlstrom </a>
Telah bergabung: 16.02.2010

Are you sure it wasn't creep into his cell? It'd make more sense.

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

I found this at Yahoo answers and some people there don't seem to care about grammar, so I guess you are right. Thanks

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Thank all of you for your help :)

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Hi all,

I'm confused with some lines of this song I'll be alright by Anggun. It seems the text was written correctly.


Blinded by suspicious mind
Thougt u could read my heart and cross the line
In everything u see
Keep everything back me

Is it something like "Save it and bring it back to me"? I'm supposing it should be "back TO me"

And here, I sense something figuratively


I'll be alright
I'll be alright
Just a broken heart, not a word to fight
I'll be alright

So, "there's not a word left to hold onto/to believe in" or does she mean "no more arguing over it"?

Thank you very much :)

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Thank you very very much, it makes more sense now :)

Retired Moderator and Scholar of a Dark Age
<a href="/id/translator/sciera" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1077079">Sciera </a>
Telah bergabung: 16.02.2011

I am glad I have found this thread! I have some questions regarding english phrases. I have already translated most of the lyrics, where those phrases are in, into German language. But I'm not quite sure wether I have understood it right. Maybe you can help me.

What are "filth hounds of hell"? Is there a difference to "hell hounds"?
(lyrics where I found the expression:

"Calling the police and I'm gonna pull my piece
Your heart's gonna cease - to beat"
What does "I'm gonna pull my piece" here mean? Is it something like "I'm gonna pull my weapon" or "I'm going to finish what I began"/"I'm gonna commit the crime I planned to do"?
(lyrics where I found the expression:

What do those lines here mean:
"Degrading you right to your face"
"I dealt you away"
(from these lyrics:

What is the exact meaning of "to learn a lesson in violence"? Is it something like "to learn something the painful/hard way"?
(lyrics where I found the expression:

"If I could stick my hand in my heart
Spill it all over the stage
Would it satisfy, would it slide on by
Would you think the boy is strange, ain't he strange?"
What does "would it slide on by" mean? Does it mean something like "would it have no effect"?

"Forced with demonic powers"
Does this mean the same as "armed with demonic powers" or "forced by demonic powers"?

"And you're injury bound"
Does this mean "you'll surely get hurt" or "you're safe from getting hurt"?

"Lifeless body, slouching dead
Lecherous abcess, where you once had a head"
What does "lecherous abcess" mean? It doesn't make much sense.

Does "dead on the mark" mean the same as "immediately dead"?

"You carry on like a holy man pushing redemption"
Is "to push redemption" something like "to force people to believe in a certain religion"?

I know this are many questions but perhaps you can at least answer one. Thanks for your help!

Retired Moderator and Scholar of a Dark Age
<a href="/id/translator/sciera" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1077079">Sciera </a>
Telah bergabung: 16.02.2011

Thanks for your answer. It's a big help!

Lumekuninganna wrote:
Sciera wrote:

"Forced with demonic powers"
Does this mean the same as "armed with demonic powers" or "forced by demonic powers"?

Wow... I really don't know. That song... uh... there are some interesting songs referenced in your post. Either of your guesses could be correct; the grammar seems to imply the former, but songs often don't follow the rules of grammar, so it could also be the latter.

You could be right about the grammar being wrong. The song is from a German band, so they simply might have maken a mistake. But I think the meaning "armed with demonic powers" fits the context better.

By calling the songs "interesting" you mean "strange"? Well, I think those are pretty normal songs and lyrics for metal bands xD ^__^

Lumekuninganna wrote:
Sciera wrote:

"Lifeless body, slouching dead
Lecherous abcess, where you once had a head"
What does "lecherous abcess" mean? It doesn't make much sense.

Woww... Cannibal Corpse. XD I don't have an answer for that one, it sure is a strange description. Is it the right word? Sometimes the transcribed lyrics are wrong. Other than that... no, I have no explanation.

Well, I don't own the album this song is on, so I can't tell whether the lyrics are correct. But I have taken them from the Metal-Archives, which is a relatively trustable sorce (compared to the rest of the internet...).
What does "lecherous" exactly mean? Does it just mean, well, "horny", or does it also mean "making one horny"? If it would be the latter then it would make kind of a sense.

@all: Can anyone else please tell me the meaning of the following phrases (for lyrical context look at the post two posts before):
"Degrading you right to your face"
"I dealt you away"
"would it slide on by"
"dead on the mark"
"to push redemption"

And I also have a new question:
"On bigger than everything
In the crown of your own self you preach darkness"

Is this one sentence? And what does the first line mean? Do those two lines mean "In the crown of your own self you preach darkness about something that is bigger than everything"?
Or does the first line mean "Concerning something that is bigger than everything"?
Or what is the meaning? It just doesn't seem to make sense...

Retired Moderator and Scholar of a Dark Age
<a href="/id/translator/sciera" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1077079">Sciera </a>
Telah bergabung: 16.02.2011
Lumekuninganna wrote:
Sciera wrote:

By calling the songs "interesting" you mean "strange"? Well, I think those are pretty normal songs and lyrics for metal bands xD ^__^

Though I must say, I grew up on heavy metal but didn't listen to things with lyrics like this. I guess there are different genres within metal... I listened to old Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, etc. Their songs were usually more political or personal, not "death" metal. :)

Well, only about a third of the songs I linked to are death metal, the rest is thrash, glam or nu... But I understand what you mean; and metal, or any lyrics, can be about just anything. I just wanted to say that those are typical lyrics and nothing that should be considered strange ^^"
But now back to the topic.

Lumekuninganna wrote:
Sciera wrote:

Well, I don't own the album this song is on, so I can't tell whether the lyrics are correct. But I have taken them from the Metal-Archives, which is a relatively trustable sorce (compared to the rest of the internet...).
What does "lecherous" exactly mean? Does it just mean, well, "horny", or does it also mean "making one horny"? If it would be the latter then it would make kind of a sense.

I'm not sure if it can be used in the latter sense, it again might be poetic license. When I usually hear the word "lecherous" it's in regards to a person who's a real creep, ie. staring at someone in a sexual way.

Okay, now I understand better what the word means. I think you're right about it being poetic license.

Lumekuninganna wrote:
Sciera wrote:

@all: Can anyone else please tell me the meaning of the following phrases (for lyrical context look at the post two posts before):

Okay, you don't trust my answers and are looking for a second opinion, I guess? FYI - English is my native language.


No, you're wrong guessing this ^^" I already thought that you are a native speaker, and I trust you with your answers. But you said yourself that you are not quite sure about the meaning of some of the phrases. That's why I decided to ask if anyone else has an idea what the meaning in the context of the lyrics could be.


Hi, I tried it in an ohter thread befor but did not get a replay, maybe you can help me here, it would be great!

Could someone please explain me these lines by Iyaz, the song is called "Solo"

You asked me pinned onto my top line
Put us together
And you offered it the rewind


<a href="/id/translator/uma005" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1090118">uma005 </a>
Telah bergabung: 08.08.2011

Nice post...i agree because the songs lyrics and also small changes before downloaded ....if you got that new website for song site means upload that..same problem to me ...that's only i am saying

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Guinada, it seems to me your question remains unsolved. Anyone can help us out?

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009

Hi dear ones, I'm stuck in the following sentence. I can't understand the use of "what" here.


I have quit my job, paid off my divorce settlement and legal bills, given up my house, given
up my apartment, put what belongings I had left into storage in my sister’s place and packed up two suitcases.

I quote from the novel "Eat, pray, love" by Elizabeth Gilbert, and I guess it is not a typo, because it's an original paperback issue I've bought a few weeks ago. Thank you very much!

Retired Moderator and Scholar of a Dark Age
<a href="/id/translator/sciera" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1077079">Sciera </a>
Telah bergabung: 16.02.2011

I'm not a native speaker but I think I know what it means.
In that sentence you could say "all", "whatever" or "all of the" instead.
The expression "what" seems to emphasize two things: The narrator put each and everything he had left into storage, and he had not many belongings left.

Retired Moderator & Squirrel chasing nuts
<a href="/id/translator/algebra" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1048583">algebra <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 28.02.2009
Sciera wrote:

I'm not a native speaker but I think I know what it means.
In that sentence you could say "all", "whatever" or "all of the" instead.
The expression "what" seems to emphasize two things: The narrator put each and everything he had left into storage, and he had not many belongings left.

Thank you very much, you're right, so far I haven't found such usage... thanks again :)

Retired Moderator and Scholar of a Dark Age
<a href="/id/translator/sciera" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1077079">Sciera </a>
Telah bergabung: 16.02.2011

some days ago I translated this song to german:

But there are still some lines and expressions where I'm not sure whether I understood them right.
Perhaps someone can explain them to me.

- "Pouring molten mayhem, controllers of the saw
A liquid iron overdose, we'll have it fucken raw"

What does "we'll have it fucken raw" exactly mean? I understand it word by word, but I'm not sure about the whole sense.

-"We don't need no make-up, slugs from armored stacks"

What are "armored stacks"? I looked it up in Webster Dictionary and it said "A group of rifles (usually three) set upright and supporting each other". And "slugs" means "bullets" here. But the line still doesn't make sense to me.

-"Hitting pandemonium, bring the sacrifice"

Does "htting pandemonium" mean the same as "arriving in hell"? Or what's the meaning?

-"Order will be chaos, the watcher now will see"

Does anyone have an idea who "the watcher" refers to?

Thanks for helping :)

<a href="/id/translator/kdravia" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1105954">kdravia <div class="editor_icon" title="Editor" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 17.02.2012

Well, reading the whole lyrics I understood that the group is singing about itself performing in front of an audience and threatening them to blow them away with their sound. I think "the watcher" would be any guard who is hired to keep such a concerts from became chaotic or all the guards altogether.
- "Hitting pandemonium" probably means to unleash hell.
Of course I could be wrong.
-"slugs from armored stacks" I think this might mean they are not novices but veterans in battles (concerts). "We don't need no make-up" could be a mockery over these groups wich use a lot of make-up to impress the audience.
-"Pouring molten mayhem, controllers of the saw
A liquid iron overdose, we'll have it fucken raw" this could mean that they control the situation (or they are in charge) ther (on the stage) and with their sound they will cause chaos and the audience will have an overdose of their metal sound (liquid iron) in raw (uncooked) form.
I hope I'm right.

Retired Moderator and Scholar of a Dark Age
<a href="/id/translator/sciera" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1077079">Sciera </a>
Telah bergabung: 16.02.2011

Thank you very much!

I already understood the topic of the song but it's good to be affirmed that I wasn't completely off.

"the watcher" being a security man? Interesting idea xD You might be right, but I'm still not quite sure about it.

"hitting pandemonium": That's kind of funny. I first thought it means "to unleash hell". Then I asked a native speaker, she told me she thinks it means "to arrive in hell" but wasn't sure about it, so I decided to ask here. And now you're telling me that it's propably "to unleash hell". Can it mean both?

"slugs from amoured stacks": You might be right about it. Well, it's a very metaphorical text, so perhaps it's really just a symbol of them being veterans. I'm still am a bit confused by that line.
About "we don't need no make-up": I already thought the same, I completely agree to your interpretation of that.

"we'll have it fucken raw": Okay, thanks, you confirmed my interpretation :)

<a href="/id/translator/kdravia" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1105954">kdravia <div class="editor_icon" title="Editor" ></div></a>
Telah bergabung: 17.02.2012

Now I'm confident. Watcher even in German has also meaning of guard(ian) - Wächter. Google translate is quite good this days. German to English gives this: guard, watchman(WATCHER), guardian, keeper, watchdog, watch. I'll write it like this and it makes much more sense: Watcher, wathever you do you can't prevent this place to turn into chaos, you'll see.

"Hitting Pandemonium" = Pandemonium wich hits, beats, strikes. One of the meanings of Pandemonium is very noisy place, I just found out.

I'm sure in german there's too some kind of idiom wich has the same meaning as "slugs from armoured stacks", definig someone who has seen too much from the world and can't be fooled easily.
I'm glad if I was of help.
