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    Iz Dana u Dan. → Terjemahan English

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From Day To Day

How low are we falling, can it be any worse
maybe our enthusiasm is high but our standard is not changing
days of pride and glory and debts
we are not living, we are surviving
what are we leaving to our future generations
we are stuck in debts, invoices, installments
and we are penniless
we are combining how to delay payment, for at least ten days
f**k life when we use credit cards to buy food
where are we now, old savings have melted away
they were spent on necessities, it was eaten and drunk
we are left with nothing, it happened so fast
God knows what happened over the night
Who should I ask, brother
who will give me the answers
tell me anything except
that it could've been worse
All the thousands, hundreds and 20.000 bills
for an old dream sake
missing in numbers, the numbers have melted like snow
expenditures went up
and where are we now
finally peaceful, finally free, finally in our own country
but now we are poor
we gave our dreams for this country and we are not sorry
but a patriot bigger than us has shown up
so he stole all the extra money
we worked, but we weren't appreciated
for months we waited for our efforts to pay off
where are we now, starting all over again
how low are we falling from Monday to Friday
how much is our work worth today
we used to have, now we don't have, where are we now?
We just live from day to day
and every long missing dream has been erased
who should I ask, brother
who will give me the answers
tell me anything except that it could have been worse
And where are we now?
we are still waiting for a better tomorrow
maybe we are naive enough to hope for the same stuff
while the entire system is falling apart
there is no justice to protect us
there is no honest government, there are only converters
promises are cheap but life is so expensive
so the role models are criminals, what can you do, the people are not stupid
they want high standard, they want cash, they want to live, they want it all
and that's what they wait for and wait, and wait and loose their temper
because there is no sense, expenses are high
debts are too big
all of it has been lasting for too long, the people broke
some are whining because yesterday was better than today
the others are raging, shouting in nationalistic rage
and I ask you, I am asking you where are we now
we keep moonlighting, being underpaid, but for how long
who will give us back our dignity, who will pay the price
give us as much as we deserve
so that the things would for once start moving
we are already loosing patience, only counting problems
all that we had we don't have and our burden is heavy
so, in the end, everybody wonders
how low did I go
So, how can you stay proud
We just live from day to day
and every long gone dream has been erased
Who should I ask, brother
who will give me the answers
tell me anything except that it could've been worse
And tell me that we could've changed the world
tell me, please
and that the future generation will have "heritage to go"
and tell me we didn't ruin all that was good
and that
that my conscience will let me sleep tight
Tell me that we can build, that it's not too late
and if I fail give me strength, to create something beautiful
and as soon as tomorrow I'd love to open my eyes, so that I can be grateful
but I can't be strong and go on from day to day

Iz Dana u Dan.

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