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  • Amaral

    Mi alma perdida → Terjemahan English

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My Lost Soul

Give me another crown1
For tonight I want to lose
The awareness that makes me tremble
Each time I see you coming
And (I want to) become invisible
Perhaps follow you around the whole city and come to your house
Sit down by your side
Listen to you, hiding
Talk, find out what you think of life when you watch the news
Protect you at night at the foot of your bed, work out what you're dreaming about, keep the kisses that escape
Every time you breathe
Every time you talk to me when you're asleep
Give me another crown
To see if I stop thinking
About the supernormal powers
Of a comic-book heroine
And I dare to get close to you
Let out the truth to your face
And turn around
Pick up my jacket
And leave through the door with you
I'll give you my heart
I'll give you my life
I'll give you my lost soul
I hope that that way you have
Of being in this world
Never changes
I hope that time doesn't change you
I'll give you my heart
I'll give you my life
I'll give you my lost soul
I'll give you my heart
I'll give you my life
I'll give you my lost soul
I'll give you my lost soul
Give me another crown
Give me another crown
  • 1. or possibly 'Give me another Corona [beer]'

Mi alma perdida

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jaimepapierjaimepapier    Min, 10/04/2016 - 14:34

I was thinking about these lyrics while listening to this the other day and I had a sudden thought. On the first line, is she asking, not for a crown, but for a Corona?

I had a look at the lyrics in the CD booklet and it's not capitalised, but that's not necessarily accurate.

   Min, 15/05/2016 - 22:05

interesting, I'll add it as a footnote. Thanks!