Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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The drops are falling quick
Minutes- leaves
Blank shot you can't catch
Something happened again
Everything changed
We are changed you won't recognize
The world around- a wave of hallucinations
A trick, a game...
Just yesterday we were somewhere here
In one of the combination
It's necessary to die again
For new reincarnations
The dust sits on the shoulders
You can hear like eternity
Fumbling with the key behind the door
We saying goodbye to the past
Death- it's vulgar
We'll leave on a good term
We don't want
But it's time for us to bid farewell...
Lifelong fight divided on segments
How many percents remained of yourself?
Again new glitch, from the start, from nil...
Tighten the noose, Voi la!
This is such eternal game
In the flow of information
Where it's necessary to live and to die
For new reincarnations
Testi originali


Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Russo)
