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To make you an adult

To make an adult out of you- it's very simple
It's very simple and you don't ask me
Foolish questions, the tears wouldn't help
Tears wouldn't help. Leave, farewell
You went crazy over him
You kept faith only for him
And bought a ticket in the first raw
Dancing at a furious pace
You were screaming, that I can
To do for you everything you want
To make an adult out of you - it's very simple
It's very simple and you don't ask me
Foolish questions, the tears wouldn't help
Tears wouldnt help. Leave, farewell
He wouldn't answer on your letters
He wouldn't notice your tears
He wouldn't walk with you the same road
you were missing him for nothing
Grow up and you will know
Happiness without love do not happen
To make an adult out of you - it's very simple
It's very simple and you don't ask me
Foolish questions, the tears wouldn't help
Tears wouldn't help. Leave, farewell
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matsQ_matsQ_    Lun, 25/05/2015 - 11:16

Thank you! I liked the melody of this song and now I know the lyrics. :)