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look for me

Look for me, how,when and where you will
look for me, it is easy, more then ever
look for me, not just if you need me
you look for me full of will ,re-invent me
If you need me since look for me
I will be back if you are too
I was been intrusive, excessive I Know
I was always' jester, it was love too
this life already punish we
too many truth remain into us
today that weariness we do
then cheerfulness it is stopped it is beloved disenchated
I am here , insult me hurt me
I am so,you take on me or delete me
now you will tell me that man ever you expect
I will drink insecurity you give me
I will quite my soul never
if ever I will live this secretness forever
trust me, my years it does matter
trust me, you will not have surprises
I am that you see I have no pretension
if you really trust me, look for me you never stop it
this life already punish we
dissatisfcation here it got we easily
we not so able to trust
about a so indecent freedom
I am here I will follow you, I will be enough for you
I will not stay as reserve it never
after it what alse alternative may save us
I stay here my own risk of my days
It is not easy cause I didn't quite never
now you know, without a cause I wouldn't like to live anyway
look for me, look for me , you never stop it
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