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  • Kazem Al-Saher

    مدينة الحب → traduzione in Inglese

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Oh City of Love

Oh City of Love
I walk within your streets
Beholding love wrapped in shrouds
How will the torture afflicted on us be retaliated,
فلا شهود على تعذيب سجانى//fala shohood 3ala ta3dhib
اااااااااه اااااااه اااااااااه
i came back home walking on my flames
hand to hand driving the sins of my deprivation
is there a responder?
i'm waiting by the door
is there a responder?
i'm waiting by the door
i'm not holding roses
لا احمل الوردla a7milou al warda
Holding no bunch of roses
i'm not holding roses
احمل طوق احزانى//a7milou daw9a a7zani
But rather my accumulated grief
she left
ذهبت مع الريح//dhahabat ma3a ri7
فصحو يا مدللها//fas7oo ya modaliliha
(sober up//wake up oh the one that pampared her)
To others she belongs now
She’s gone
My eyes, my lips, my nerves, my mind(my blood)
All seek her within my hugs
they turned the furniture up side down and gathered around her picture
make a demonstration like population behind bars
we want her today to be our candle our beloved
And clamored around her image
We want her back now
And our beloved
no resting ,no sleeping,rebellion in rebellion(we didn't stop the rebellion)
No sleeping
oh people ,my body my emotions,my body my emotions
My flesh and emotions
كفا ملاما فجلد الذات ادمانى//kafa malaman fa jildou adhata admani
How painful are the pangs of self-reproach?
stop blaming , sel-flagellating made me bleed
I slapped my face wondering
اهذا يا زمان انا انا انا انا انا انا//ahadah yazamnou ana
Is this really me?
اذلنى الحب اخرسنى واعمانى//adhallani el hobbou akharsani wa a3mani
Loss oft he beloved humiliated me, muted me and blinded me
After seperation
No patience is left to comfort me
After seperation
No patience is left to comfort me
In the wakeful dawn
I walk like a drunk
the night scares me
the souvenir tortures me
ah tortures me
the approach fought my memories and abandoned me
And tormened by memories
I slapped my face wondering
Is this really me?
the love humuliated me,made me loss,blinded me
Testi originali

مدينة الحب

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Arabo)

sandringsandring    Mar, 25/04/2017 - 08:16

Source lyrics have been updated. Please review your translation.