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  • Michelle (Germany)

    Schmetterlinge sind frei → traduzione in Inglese

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Butterflies Are Free

Don’t lock up my heart
Your love makes me free
Sometimes it is heavy like lead
Then I want only away from you
Stay after all true to yourself
Don’t live your life through me
Because otherwise our dream falls to pieces
Sadly you do not understand this
Butterflies are free
They stop by only briefly
They drift with the clouds and dance in the wind
Butterflies are free
I say to you quietly, goodbye,
because wings are in my soul
You never gave me a chance,
to go my own way,
to get up on my own,
if I once fail
Why? I am not so weak
I have managed up to this point
Know that I from my own strength
can fly alone
Let me go in peace
True love doesn’t hold tightly
because without freedom it dies and leaves you
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Schmetterlinge sind frei

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Michelle (Germany): 3 più popolari