Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Saša Matić

    Svuda si oko mene → traduzione in Inglese

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You're All Around Me

I'm here again in the old place
the trace of painful memories brought me
and they are playing our song again
just like before
And where are you I wish i knew
in the night when everything smells like you
who will I call by your name
when i get drunk
left, right, you're all around me
up, down, you're running through my veins
my heart havent got over you
forward, backward everything draws me to you
it hurts today, same as yesterday
since there is no hope at all for us
In my face sadness cant be seen
fake smile is my best friend
since we're two oposite worlds
I'm walking on my bottom
And where are you I wish i knew
in the night when everything smells like you
who will I call by your name
when i get drunk
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Svuda si oko mene

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