Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Belanova

    Toma mi mano → traduzione in Inglese

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take my hand

take my hand
and everything will be alright
don't cry anymore
I know it's difficult
But i will be here
No, Don't feel alone
If everything is wrong/bad
and you can't anymore (take it anymore)
You can look for me
I know that if you were in my place
You'd do it too.
without thinking about it.
I know it hurts to fall
And today I'm here for you
Just like yesterday, just like today
you know you can look for me
I know what you feel
And even though it looks like this still
it's not the end
this isn't easy
but i will be here
no, don't feel so alone
I know that if you were in my place
You'd do it too.
without thinking about it.
I know it hurts to fall
And today I'm here for you
Just like yesterday, just like today
you know you can look for me
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Toma mi mano

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