Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Paula Toller

    Você me ganhou de presente → traduzione in Inglese

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You won me as a gift

You won me as a gift
With ribbon and guarantee label
It was in a day of joy
You made exactly the gesture that I wanted
But you gave me no chance
You gave me no chance
You gave me no chance
You gave me no chance
You never were willing to reach me
neither were in the mood to marry
I was always at your disposal, that this be my consolation
But you...
you gave me no chance
You won me as a gift
without truces and by the promise of a shelter
You smiled at me in the gallery
And you had exactly the taste I was looking for
Não deu mole
Você não deu mole
You never were affraid of seeing me leave
Neither will lose your time to deny me
and to criticize me
That I console myself all alone
Because you give me no chance
You give me no chance
If I cry, you may even feel moved
But this way is too heavy
Not even I will stand it
Because I give you no chance
I give you no chance
I give you no chance, my love
I give you no chance too
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