Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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Ako me tražiš

Volela si nekad moje oci
ljubila ih, klela se u njih
govorila najlepse su meni
nema lepsih od ociju tih
Ref. 2x
Ako me trazis u nekom drugom
pogledaj dobro da li sam ja
to lice tebi nista ne znaci
oko te vara, ali srce zna
Rastasmo se, tako htede zivot
trag ljubavi osta iza nas
ako trazis sebi novu srecu
seti me se, zastani za cas
Ref. 2x
Voleo sam i ja tebe jako
kao pesnik sto voli svoj stih
ovom pesmom poruku ti saljem
najveca si od ljubavi svih
Ref. 2x

If you look for me

You once loved my eyes
you kissed them, you swore by them
you said mine are the most beautiful
there are no eyes more beautiful than those
Ref. 2x
If you look for me in someone else,
look closely that it is me
that face means nothing to you
the eyes lie to you, but the heart knows
We split up, that's how life wanted it
traces of love are behind us
If you try to find yourself new happiness
remember me, stop for a moment
Ref 2x
I loved you strongly as well
Like a poet loves his verse
With this song I send you a message
You're the greatest love of all
Ref 2x
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