Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Herbert Grönemeyer

    Anna → traduzione in Inglese

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Anna, it's very hard for me
All description seen to be empty
You're nothing that they say
Your nature is not friendly
You moods change fast
You only kiss me when I ask you to
With all your strange ways
You can really surprise people
You're sure you won't get old
To live healthily is none of your worries
You smoke as much as possible
Something always has to happen
I always have to work something out
You're always somewhat off the track
When I'm in bed exhausted
You're not tired at all
I like you a lot more than it may sound
Just because that's how you are I love you so much
I don't no either, what's up with you
It's simply undescribeable
I need you
Anna, you're not what we call thin
We rather call it starving sick
You're keeping your underweight constantly
You often don't like my jokes
You know my weaknesses too well
Sometimes my face gets on your nerves
If I don't always act something out for you
It all gets even worse
I like you a lot more than it may sound
Just because that's how you are I love you so much
I don't no either, what's up with you
It's simply undescribeable
I need you
I could always fall in love with you anew
Which isn't even exaggerated
Anna, my poetry
You never liked it
Here you see what you've got of it
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