Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Carlos Gardel

    Aquel tapado de armiño → traduzione in Inglese

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That Ermine Coat

That ritzy coat made of ermine,
All lined with luscious lamé,
Around your body was curving
As you left the cabaret.
When you passed by, arm in arm with
That man — a clear gigolo —
Oh, that damned coat made of ermine,
How much pain it gives me now!
D'you recall? It was a splendid
Time, the climax of our passion:
I was feverish and winded;
You were just in love with fashion.
While from rapture I was dying —
So impatient just to hold you —
You would say, so sweetly sighing,
"Oh, my love! If you could only..."
And of course, I did surrender;
I risked all to get that coat —
Mooched off friends, appealed to lenders,
And endured a month without smokes.
Ah yes, that coat made of ermine,
All lined in luscious lamé,
Around your body was curving
As you left the cabaret.
The coat was much more enduring
Than your interest in me;
I've still got debts on the ermine,
And your love is history.
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Aquel tapado de armiño

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