Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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Today I Want to Thank

Today I want to thank Heaven for our lives
And, with you, I want to celebrate that I'm alive.
Yesterday, I suffered so terribly...
But that is now all in the past:
I want to devoutly pray with you.
Today I shall be born once more:
I will turn the darkness into light!
I will live my life without fear,
enjoying this world
And you will be the closest one to my affections...
Let's fight for what we love...
Never have any doubt:
Love is what gives meaning to this world!
We shall prevail!
Don't cry anymore because of what we've suffered:
Today, we believe in hope!
I'm thanking God that, today, I am alive...
Testi originali

Avui vull agraïr (Amazing Grace)

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Catalano)
