Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Dragana Mirković

    Brate Moj → traduzione in Inglese

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Brate Moj

Šta te boli brate moj
da plačeš ti
misliš li o ženi toj
daj kaži mi
Šta te boli brate moj
da plačeš ti
misliš li o ženi toj
hajde kaži mi
Ref. 2x
Nije ona vredna bola tvog
a ni tvoje ljubavi
koja sme da rani brata mog
a da suzom ne plati
Biće bolje brate moj
to veruj mi
ime joj ne spominji
Ref. 2x
Pođi sa mnom brate moj
ja vodim te
a ni jednu reč o njoj
nemoj molim te
Ref. 2x

My brother

What is hurting you, my brother
to make you cry like this?
Are you thinking about that woman?
Go on, tell me.
What is hurting you, my brother
to make you cry like this?
Are you thinking about that woman?
Come on! Tell me.
Ref. 2x
She isn't worth your pain
or your love.
Which woman dares to wound my brother
and not to pay with her tears?
It'll get better, my brother,
believe me on this.
Don't mention her name,
just forget her.
Ref. 2x.
Come with me, my brother,
I'll take you
but do not speak a single word about her,
don't, please!
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