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The Song Was Played in the Wrong Moment

The song was played in the wrong moment
And I thought I knew everything
But if it's about you I don't know anything
When I heard that song, in the middle of the night
I saw you, I even felt your hand and thought that it would fit me as a glove
But then the rain came and everything became unequal
The song has just been played on the radio, but you can't hear it
Because of the storm outside
But I kept your handwritten letters
But I don't know exactly which way you went away
But I don't know exactly which way you went away
The song was played in the wrong moment
But don't mind it, I even remembered the roses that bloom in the winter (2x)
But I don't know exactly which way you went away
But I don't know exactly which way you went away
The song was played in the wrong moment, but don't mind it,
I even remembered the roses that bloom in the winter (2x)
But I kept your handwritten letters
But I don't know exactly which way you went away
But I don't know exactly which way you went away (4x)
Testi originali

A Canção Tocou na Hora Errada

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