Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Lucas Lucco

    É Treta → traduzione in Inglese

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I'm trouble (It's complicated)*

If you're falling in love, stop!
Ah, if you knew how much I'm happy
after I leave you, I cried no more
I'm living my life how I always did
You got crazy when I kissed you
You kept telephoning me: Ehi, where are you?
We just met and you're already making demands, let me tell you a thing
If you're falling in love, stop!
I'm trouble
If you're falling in love, run away as you're still in time
If you're falling in love, run away as you're still in time
Ah, if you knew how much I'm happy
after I leave you, I cried no more
I'm living my life how I always did
You got crazy when I kissed you
If you're falling in love, stop!
I'm trouble
If you're falling in love, run away as you're still in time
If you're falling in love, run away as you're still in time
I know, it's not your fault if you love me
Now you're besieging me
If you're falling in love, stop!
It's not good for you, it's complicated
If you're falling in love, run away as you're still in time
If you're falling in love, run away as you're still in time
Testi originali

É Treta

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Lucas Lucco: 3 più popolari
algebraalgebra    Lun, 05/05/2014 - 05:12

Mal começou já ta cobrando, deixa eu te avisar --> We just met and you're already making demands, let me tell you a thing.
You might as well translate the title as "I'm trouble". :)