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  • Zahara (Spain)

    El deshielo → traduzione in Inglese

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It's easy to remember, the thaw began in August
the month when you came to pick me up at my front door.
We traveled with haste, the air ready to ignite,
you barely brushed against me and I began to thaw.
You spoke of your childhood, your nice neighbor
who would step out naked to close the balcony shades.
I spoke at an unmatchable and never-ending pace
you have stopped listening to me just as Marv did to Wendy...
The armor began to melt and fell away
and my skin returned to its natural fluorescent hue.
How long have I been in hibernation
You never interrupted me, you were always waiting.
You made me forget the rest of mankind,
you tasted like every kind of ice cream imaginable
We were strangers on days without rain
standing underneath the Perseids to watch the meteors fall...
When that period of unending languor ended
I stayed to live in August.
Testi originali

El deshielo

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