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  • Vanessa da Mata

    Eu Sou Neguinha? → traduzione in Inglese

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I'm Black

I was leaning my guitar there
in a white square, messed up video.
I was an enigma, a question.
Look at that thing
just something for nothing, good, good, good, good, good.
I was with grace...
I was there by chance, it wasn't anything.
Ass of a mulatto woman, muscles of a working man
I was in Madureira, I was in Bahia
in Beaubourg, in the Bronx, in Bras.
And I, and I, and I, and I
asked myself
Am I black?
It was a message
I read a message
It seemed to be a joke, but it wasn't.
I couldn't decipher it, I couldn't get it
but that's what I was, and I was, and I was, and I was, and I was
I asked myself
It was a hippie gesture, a strange design
Men working, back and forth
And it was a joy, it was a hope
It was a dance and dance or not, or not, or not, or not, or not
I was asking:
Am I black?
Am I black?
I'm black...
Am I black?
I'm black...
I was praying there fully
a believer, a lens, I was a vision
totally a third sex
totally a third world, third millennium.
Naked flesh, naked, naked, naked, naked, naked
It was so strange
It was a rock trio, it was a costume
samba school on the TV
Cross at the end of the tunnel, dead end street
And I was the exit, melody, noon, day, day, day
It was what I was saying:
Am I black?
But I saw other things, I saw the strong youth
and a smooth-skinned woman in the darkness
I saw what is visible, I saw what isn't seen
and what poetry and prophecy didn't see
but they saw, they saw, they saw, they saw, they saw
It's what seemed
that the things talk about surprising things
Inevitably they err, they think it's a solution
and that the same sign that I try to read and be
is scarcely a possibility and the impossible
In me, in a thousand, in a thousand, in a thousand, in a thousand
and the question came:
am I black?
Testi originali

Eu Sou Neguinha?

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