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  • After Forever

    Ex Cathedra (Overture) → traduzione in Inglese

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Ex Cathedra (Overture)

Ego iubeo et tu sequaris1
Nemo mihi obloquatur impune
Ex cathedra
Nemo mihi obloquatur impune
Ex cathedra
Ex cathedra
A Deo ipso verba mea ad vos proveniunt
Non obsequentes exsecratio condemnabit
Subicite fato vestro et obtemperate
  • 1. It should be "sequeris"

From the chair (Overture)

I command and you obey
Nobody questions me without punishment
I have authority over you1
Nobody questions me without punishment
I have authority over you1
I have authority over you1
My words to you come from God's own mouth
The curse will condemn those who disobey
Surrender to your fate and obey
  • 1. a. b. c. The expression "ex cathedra" (from the chair) has religious origins and it is just a way to say that someone has authority or is a person in position of authority. It is also used when someone make an official statement or an authoritative pronouncement.