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  • A.B. Everett

    Footprints of Jesus → traduzione in Tongano

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Footprints of Jesus

1. Sweetly, Lord, have we
Heard thee calling, come follow me.
And we see where thy footprints falling
Lead us to thee.
Footprints of Jesus that
make the pathway glow.
We will follow the steps of Jesus
Where e’er they go.
2. Though they lead o’re the cold,
Dark mountains, seeking his sheep;
Or along by Saloam’s fountain, helping the weak.
3. Then at last, when on high he calls us,
Our journey done.
We will rest where the steps of Jesus
end at his throne.

Va'e Topu 'O Sisu

I. 'E Eiki, fakafiemalie naa mau...
Fanongo ki Ho ui, ha'u 'o muimui kiate au.
Pea te tau sio 'oku 'i fe Ho va'e topu
Taki 'a taua kiate Koe.
Ko e va'e topu 'o Sisu na'e...
Ulo'i ai 'a e hala.
Te tau muimui 'aki ki Hono laka
Ki he feitu'u ha 'oku ne 'alu.
II. Neongo kuo taki ai ki he momoko
Mo'unga po'uli, vakai Hono sipi
Pe 'i he matavai 'o Salome, tokoni ki he kau vaivai.
III. 'I hono faka'osi, 'i he ma'olunga 'oku Ne ui 'akimautolu,
Kuo 'osi 'etau folau.
Te tau maalolo 'i he va'e topu 'o Sisu
Ngata'i ai 'i hono talone.