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<a href="/it/translator/sara-ba" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1173791">Danaharab <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderatore" ></div></a>
Iscritto dal: 21.04.2013
Pending moderation

I'm I the only one having this ad on my pages while surfing the site?

It either pops ups as a new window or it comes hyper-linked in any word on the page, i would have added screen shots but I don't know how

Revisore in pensione and a hardcore K-pop fan
<a href="/it/translator/mileylovato" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1095804">Miley_Lovato </a>
Iscritto dal: 24.10.2011

I had the same thing some months ago. Your PC probably has a virus. Check down of the ads if there's any site link (I think in mine was monkey something. This is a special virus which gives you spams and ads all the time and needs a special antivirus). I think it was that virus

<a href="/it/translator/sara-ba" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1173791">Danaharab <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderatore" ></div></a>
Iscritto dal: 21.04.2013
Miley_Lovato ha scritto:

I had the same thing some months ago. Your PC probably has a virus. Check down of the ads if there's any site link (I think in mine was monkey something. This is a special virus which gives you spams and ads all the time and needs a special antivirus). I think it was that virus

I'll check it out, thanks!

<a href="/it/translator/sara-ba" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1173791">Danaharab <div class="moderator_icon" title="Moderatore" ></div></a>
Iscritto dal: 21.04.2013
Future Dr. Juanita ha scritto:

Do you have AdBlock?

Yes I have but it didn't work on this, I recovered my PC to a restore point and went fine :)

Super Membro
<a href="/it/translator/buensabor" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1098554">BuenSabor </a>
Iscritto dal: 27.11.2011

Adblock is much more effective in Firefox than IE. Only problem for me is that Firefox won't run without crashing every 2 minutes.

I use Adblock+ along with Microsoft Security Essentials and SpyBot Search & Destroy. That seems to limit problems, although I still occasionally have to reset the machine to regain access to lost memory.