Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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Dovidjenja snovi zbogom skromna sreco
Ja sam zivot ti bacila pod noge
A sada trazim bar da prekrstis se
kad vidis me u snu.
Svako na svoj nacin krije greh i tugu da se ne vide
A ja bez maske nosim ocaj iza sebe
Ne znam da sakrijem bol
A dao si mi rec da bices tu
Da nosices me kao pticu ranjenu
Da bices moj mac na ramenu
A onda krenulo je sve po zlu.
Jer kada ljubav imas malo je
A kad je gubis tada znas da gubis sve
Zapalila sad bih ceo svet
Zbog tebe napravicu incident
Nek ide dodjavola sve.
Duge su ulice po kojim trazim te
I sve je mokro i sivo posle kise
Hladno je vrati mi moj svet od ljubavi
U kom si bio ti
Svako na svoj nacin krije greh i tugu da se ne vide
A ja bez maske nosim ocaj iza sebe
Ne znam da sakrijem bol
A dao si mi rec da bices tu
Da nosices me kao pticu ranjenu
Da bices moj mac na ramenu
A onda krenulo je sve po zlu.
Jer kada ljubav imas malo je
A kad je gubis tada znas da gubis sve
Zapalila sad bih ceo svet
Zbog tebe napravicu incident
Nek ide do djavola sve 2X


Goodbye dreams, goodbye modest happiness
Under your feet I trough away my life
And now I ask from you to cross yourself at least
when you see me in your dream
Everybody has their way to hide sin and sadness so they can't be seen
And I carry my despair behind me without a mask
I don't know how to hide the pain
And you gave me your word that you will be here
That you will carry me like a wounded bird
That you will be my sword on a shoulder
And then everything went wrong
Because it is not enough when you have love
And when you lose it you know you lose it all
I could burn down whole world now
I will make an incident because of you
Everything can go to hell
The streets I walk looking for you are long
And everything is wet and grey after the rain
It is cold, bring me back my world of love
Where you were
Everybody has their way to hide sin and sadness so they can't be seen
And I carry my despair behind me without a mask
I don't know how to hide the pain
And you gave me your word that you will be here
That you will carry me like a wounded bird
That you will be my sword on a shoulder
And then everything went wrong
Because it is not enough when you have love
And when you lose it you know you lose it all
I could burn down whole world now
I will make an incident because of you
Everything can go to hell
Tanja Savić: 3 più popolari