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  • Tankcsapda

    Kicsikét → traduzione in Inglese

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A little bit

I got angry ... A little bit
Maybe that I soaked to the skin too
Maybe that by making a little more mistakes
But somehow I get to that point
Where I'm gonna think every day
About that blond girl who braided my hair
this night, who in my dream, braided my hair this night
She braided it, this night she braided it in my dream
She braided it this night
She braided my hair this night
In my dream
She braided this night
Braided my hair this night
The Good Woman one of the nights
Phoned to her
The shell whispered to her ears that she has been seeking for the chance to
Finally reach her, otherwise
She would feel dead
She could stay at her place at least for a few moments of her life
Be her guest, stay at her place
Be her guest, stay at her place
Be her guest, stay
At her place, be her guest
Stay at her place, be her guest
Stay at her place for tonight, be her guest
Stay at her place for tonight, be her guest
( This... is ... the .... Dancing Part ...
So come on, dance ! )
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