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  • Fabrizio De André

    Laudate Dominum → traduzione in Inglese

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Laudate Dominum

Laudate Dominum…
Laudate Dominum…
Laudate Dominum…2
  • 1. The original is in Latin, though it’s the intro to the Italian album La buona novella from 1970.
    La buona novella {the good news} is the literal translation of evangelion {the Gospel; ‟good announcement”, ‟good message”}.
    The album retraces the events of the Gospel, yet it does so by following Mary’s life rather than Jesus’. The result is an even more human and humane story.
    The narrated events are based on the apocryphal gospels: gospels that weren’t included in the canonical Bible established in the III-IV century A.D.
  • 2. Lit. ‟Praise God”.
Testi originali

Laudate Dominum

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