Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Goga Sekulić

    Ljubav ništa ne vredi → traduzione in Inglese

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Ljubav ništa ne vredi

Evo skoro već godinu dana
nisam ni sa kim bila
nigde nisam pošteno izašla
nisam do jutra pila
Isti nam je noćas puls
tela isto dišu
prvi put se vidimo
al isti se znaj ,namirišu
Dugo, dugo u minus fazi sam
dugo dugo, znam i ti spavaš sam
hajmo negde da promenimo to
jednom je dovoljno
Dugo, dugo u minus fazi sam
dugo dugo, znam i ti spavaš sam
hajmo negde jer ti si lep
a ja, od tebe opasna
Od tebe opasna
jer tu ljubav ništa ne vredi
Već odavno na srce je moje
crna zavesa pala
nigde pravog nema za mene
samo more budala
Isti nam je noćas puls
tela isto dišu
prvi put se vidimo
al isti se znaj, namirišu
Dugo, dugo u minus fazi sam
dugo dugo, znam i ti spavaš sam
hajmo negde da promenimo to
jednom je dovoljno
Dugo, dugo u minus fazi sam
dugo dugo, znam i ti spavaš sam
hajmo negde jer ti si lep
a ja, od tebe opasna

love is worthless

it's been almost a year
since I'm alone
I haven't had a decent night out
I haven't been drinking until the morning
tonight, it is the same our puls
our bodies breathe as one
it is the first time we see each other
but the same ,you have to know,they breathe each other
for a long time ,I've been in a minus phase
for a long time ,I've known that you sleep alone
let s go somewhere because you are beautiful
and me , I'm dangerous under your influence
I'm dangerous
because love is worthless
It has been a while since on my heart
black curtain has fallen
there is nowhere the one for me
just the bunch of fools
tonight, it is the same our puls
our bodies breathe as one
it is the first time we see each other
but the same, you have to know they breathe each other
for a long time, I've been in a minus phase
for a long time , I've known that you sleep alone
let s go somewhere to change that
once is enough
for a long time ,I've been in a minus phase
for a long time, I've known that you sleep alone
let s go somwhere because you are beautiful
and me, I am dangerous under your influence
Goga Sekulić: 3 più popolari