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More Than Your Friend

I want to tell you
tonight without hesitation
That I can no longer bear
what I carry here in my heart
I like you so much, you drive me mad
and I can't hide it anymore
You appear everywhere
like an illusion in my view...
It is a secret
that I only want to share
with those eyes
that have given light to my life
Tonight there is no more moon,
with your light it will be brighter
There is in my soul a fortune growing
From so much joy you give me
I love you
I love you
It is heard in my chest
It is a great love that you've created
with each heartbeat
I feel you with me
I want to be more than your friend
It is a secret
that I only want to share
with those eyes
That have given light to my life
Tonight there is no more moon,
with your light it will be brighter
There is in my soul a fortune growing
From so much joy you give me
I love you
I love you
It is heard in my chest
It is a great love that you've created
beat by beat
I feel you with me
I want to be more than your friend
Testi originali

Más que tu amigo

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Spagnolo)

Vimto12Vimto12    Mar, 06/11/2012 - 00:10

Nice translation :) just a couple of things:
verse 4, line 3 -> 'it's heard IN my chest
verse 4, line 4 -> 'grand love' sounds odd to me...what about 'great love'?

   Mar, 06/11/2012 - 00:29

Thanks for catching those 2 errors, they're corrected now :-)

BuenSaborBuenSabor    Dom, 27/04/2014 - 02:54

Not an error but a matter of style:

latido a latido

with each heartbeat.

"beat" by itself doesn't carry the same romantic connotation unless you're a sadist.

   Dom, 04/05/2014 - 20:33

Well, since I'm not that, I changed it :D , thanks Steve.