Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Pete Parkkonen

    Mitä minä sanoin → traduzione in Inglese

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What did I say

Do you notice it? I'm still standing here
I did not refract, it wasn't the last song
I lift on the elevator, which was not supposed to work
I needed to walk thousand steps
Today strong behind everything
can't detect any uncertainty
After this can't discourage anymore
I don't consent to waver
Now I'm free and I want to live
What did I say, my back withstands
(what did I say, my back withstands) x2
I'm building a skyscraper
which doesn't have windows, which wind blows through
I don't come back in the beginning, I still want
I have a responsibility of what I have done and I want to live
What did I say, my back withstands
(what did I say, my back withstands) x2
What did I say, what did I say, what did I say,
my back withstands x2
What did I say, my back withstands
(what did I say, my back withstands) x2
What did I say, what did I say, what did I say,
my back withstands
What did I say, what did I say, what did I say,
my back withstands, back withstands
What did I say, my back withstands
Testi originali

Mitä minä sanoin

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Finlandese)

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