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    For my soul → traduzione in Inglese

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For my soul

大事なものを育てては 傷つけていくために
明日に向かって 生きてるわけじゃない
(Dead to Alive...)
さっきまであった 生きる力が薄れてく
地までの道なのに 怖くて進めない
For my soul For yourself
For my soul For yourself
For my soul For yourself
For my soul For yourself
きっとこれから先も そっと傷付けるだろう
だけど自分を捨てる覚悟で 挑む人生の果てに
(Lie and Alive...)
For my soul For yourself...
For my soul For yourself
For my soul For yourself
For my soul For yourself
For my soul For yourself
伝えられたから 明日へ走れ

For My Soul

We hurt for the sake of nurturing the important things
Turning towards tomorrow, doesn't mean we're alive
(Dead to Alive...)
So strong until just now, the power to live is fading away
I cut myself off and head towards that
The road leads to the ground but, I'm too scared to move on
For my soul For yourself
The important things
For my soul For yourself
Become the town's shadows
For my soul For yourself
Leaning heavily
For my soul For yourself
Surely from here on out, I'll quietly hurt even more
But with the resolve to throw myself away, to the end of life's challenge
I don't need anything like victory
(Lie and Alive...)
For my soul For yourself...
For my soul For yourself
The important thing
For my soul For yourself
Is the will to live
For my soul For yourself
And I was able to say that
For my soul For yourself
To the past I lost, so run towards tomorrow