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  • Keen'V

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You'll be alright

I put on a smile to avoid crying.
Nobody cares about my troubles
anyway, I shouldn't delude myself.
I'm staying home, I'm locking myself up.
I d'ont want to pretend,
as if nothing happened.
I'm destroying myself, I'm loosing myself, shaking,
by keeping living in the past.1
And they say: "you'll be alright"
I'll be alright with time, so they say.
I'll be alright, but I was not really expecting this sorrow.
And they say: "you'll be alright"
You'll be alright
And they say: "you'll be alright"
You'll be alright
They act as if nothing happened,
as if they didn't see me.
I spend days crying alone,
knowing nobody will understand me
but my sorrow seems unsurmountable.
It scared off my will to live.
Deep down I know I'm pathetic,
I just wait for someone to set me free.
And they say: "you'll be alright"
I'll be alright with time, so they say.
I'll be alright, but I was not really expecting this sorrow.
And they say: "you'll be alright"
You'll be alright
And they say: "you'll be alright"
They say I'll be alright
My heart is sending SOSs
but nobody recieves them.
Noone understands my distress
and how lonely I feel without you.
My heart is sending SOSs
but nobody recieves them.
Noone understands my distress
and how lonely I feel without you.
And they say: "you'll be alright"
I'll be alright with time, so they say.
I'll be alright, but I was not really expecting this sorrow.
And they say: "you'll be alright"
You'll be alright
And they say: "you'll be alright"
They say I'll be alright
  • 1. the original is pretty convoluted too. Like an attempt at poetry falling flat on its face.
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