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  • Obey the Brave

    C'est la vie → traduzione in Inglese

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That's life

That's life
Few allies, several1 enemies
Love eludes me, death trails me
That's life
So much cruelty
I want to be no part of it
That's life
I watch everything in silence
I have little confidence in our world
In life and until death2
I am in control of my destiny
Live one day at a time
Above all keep your head cool
In life and until death
I am in control of my destiny
Never give up
Get ready for the fight
That's life
I hone my survival instinct
Humor eludes me, sorrow trails me
That's life
So much meanness
I refuse to be manipulated
That's life
I watch everything in silence
I have little confidence in our world
In life and until death
I am in control of my destiny
Live one day at a time
Above all keep your head cool
In life and until death
I am in control of my destiny
Never give up
Get ready for the fight
That's life
Walk straight ahead
Nothing can stop me
Wellbeing3 prevails over anxiety
Walk straight forward
till your reach the rising sun
Forward, forward
Walk straight ahead
facing any oppression, anguish and depression
Forward, forward
Walk straight ahead
facing any oppression, without resignation4
In life and until death
I am in control of my destiny
Live one day at a time
Above all keep your head cool
In life and until death
I am in control of my destiny
Never give up
Get ready for the fight
  • 1. sounds odd in French, but "many" would be "beaucoup d'ennemis"
  • 2. This fixed expression is only used to express the strongest possible friendship or love ("entre nous, c'est à la vie à la mort"), meaning something like "we are friends/lovers for life and until death". Here it looks like it was used just because it sounded cool
  • 3. not clear whether he means "good" as opposite to "evil" or just "feeling well"
  • 4. I suppose he meant "résignation". "résilier" means cancelling a contract
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C'est la vie

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Obey the Brave: 3 più popolari
Idioms from "C'est la vie"