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  • Edu Lobo

    Upa, Neguinho → traduzione in Inglese

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Up, Little Black One

(scat) Patapatri
Tri tri tri tri
Tri Badabá!
Up, little black one on the street
Up, from one side to the other
Holy Mother of God!
Such a beautiful thing!
Up, little black one
Starting to walk
Starting to walk
Up, little black one on the street
Up, from one side to the other
Holy Mother of God!
Such a beautiful thing!
Up, little black one
Starting to walk
Starting to walk
Starting to walk
And he already starts to suffer
Grow, black little one
And embrace me
Grow and teach me to sing
come from so much misfortune
But I can teach you a lot
But I can teach you a lot
I can teach
Sheer bad luck!
I can take away
I can lend
But freedom
I can only wait
(scat) Patapatri
Tri tri tri tri
Tri Badabá!
Testi originali

Upa, Neguinho

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