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  • Sektor Gaza

    Злая ночь → traduzione in Inglese

  • 2 traduzioni
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Злая ночь

Злая ночь, сегодня точно злая ночь,
И светит нам кровавая луна,
Сегодня нам с кентами не до сна.
Круг, а в том кругу звезду начертили на полу,
Все вопросы нынче злу зададим мы потому что.
Злая ночь, в тебя мы верим процентов на сто,
Злая ночь, ты подскажи нам кто есть кто.
Вот чува, она красива и скромна,
Краснела каждый каждый раз она,
Была бы идеальная жена.
Дух тут стал нам объяснять,
Что она последняя б**дь,
Лесбиянка, каких поискать,
Во даёт, погнали дальше.
Злая ночь, в тебя мы верим процентов на сто,
Злая ночь, ты подскажи нам кто есть кто.
Вот чувак и, вроде, он пацан ништяк,
Он был не жлоб и не борзой он был,
И коллектив его всегда любил.
Дух нам объяснил тотчас,
Что он полный пи***ас,
Что он сволочь, гад и мразь,
Вот те раз, погнал соляк.
Всё херня, дошло дело до меня,
Эй, полтергейст, скажи нам кто же я,
Я вроде бы не жлоб и не свинья.
Дух нам объяснил вот так,
Что я конченый мудак,
Да вы чё, это всё не так,
Я ж нормальный, чё вы, падлы.
Злая ночь я не поверю ни за что
Злая ночь в тебя из нас не верит никто

Evil night

Evil night, it is certainly evil night tonight,
And bloody moon shines upon us,
We can't sleep tonight with friends.
A circle, and in that circle the star is drawn on the floor,
We'll ask all the questions to the evil tonight, because
Evil night, we 100% believe in you
Evil night, show us who is who.
That's a girl, she is nice and humble,
She was shy every time,
She would have been an ideal wife.
The spirit started to explain us,
That she is the last w**re,
L**bian, which kind is hard to find,
We are shocked, let's go further.
Evil night, we 100% believe in you
Evil night, show us who is who.
That's the man, he looks like okay guy,
He was neither greedy, nor harsh,
And everyone liked him always.
The spirit has explained to us,
That he is a f**king f**ot,
That he is b**tard, s**nk and c**d,
Wow wow, solo(*), let's go
All is crap, that's my turn,
Hey, poltergeist, tell us who am I,
Looks like I am not greedy and I'm not a pig.
The spirit has explained this way,
That I am f**king as**ole,
How dare you? that's not as it is,
I am normal, how dare you, bastards.
Evil night, I'll never believe,
Evil night, nobody believes in you.
Treugol'nyTreugol'ny    Gio, 12/10/2017 - 09:42

We'll ask all the questions of the evil... Explain to us... Жлоб is not a greedy person, but rather moron.

Anton GolovchenkoAnton Golovchenko
   Gio, 12/10/2017 - 09:59

Hello Anatolii,

Quite no offense, but could you please translate these songs by yourself, not just leaving comments like these?
1. Here is exactly TO the evil.
2. "Explain us" is OK.
3. Жлоб is EXACTLY a greedy person in it's original meaning.
[Burning a**]
Please be careful in the future and it would be better not to leave comments like this at all. At least bringing some proofs may strengthen your position.
I am sorry if I have offended you in any meaning.


TiborTibor    Gio, 12/10/2017 - 09:44

Thank God, you did it, man! I can't translate their songs anymore! I'm a punk, but their songs is a crap of shit! :D

BratBrat    Gio, 14/12/2017 - 12:58

If I may,
L**bian, which kind is hard to find,-> L**bian, of a kind that's hard to find,
That he is b**tard, s**nk and c**d,->That he is a b**tard, a s**nk and a c**d,
tell us who am I->tell us who I am
That I am f**king as**ole,->That I am a f**king as**ole,
that's not as it is,->these are all wrong