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  • Alidé Sans

    Sò jo → traduzione in Inglese

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It's Me

I think it’s been long enough already
since our moments ended,
like you said:
“Life happens and everything changes.”
It’s me, it’s me, it’s me…
I think it’s been long enough already
since you made me get off of your ship,
The door doesn’t open
even though I say the passwords.
It’s me, it’s me, it’s me…
I think it’s been long enough already
since I regret the day and the night,
Now I beg for mercy
Because I’m drowning in my tears while laughing,
‘Cause I’m drowning in my tears while laughing,
In my tears, in my tears while laughing!
It’s me, it’s me, it’s me…
Ieeee! At least listen to me, listen to me!
I’m the one who saved your wounded heart.
I’m the one who lit the light of your spirit.
I’m the one who took care of you to the point of death.
I’m the one who put the world at your feet.
Maybe you don’t want to think, I know it’s easier.
Maybe you don’t remember your dignity?
Sometimes the doubt invades me
of not having known you well enough,
or do you agree
by closing yourself up and ignoring?
I poison myself every time
that I feel that you’re ignoring me
and I imagine that
we’re starting over again…
It’s me, it’s me, it’s me…
It’s me, it’s me, it’s me…
Testi originali

Sò jo

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