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  • Selma Bajrami

    Sretna sam bez ljubavi → traduzione in Inglese

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Sretna sam bez ljubavi

Ja sam ti od onih sto još lutaju
tražim, ali nisam našla utjehu
neki padnu, a nikad ne ustanu
život bih dala da sad si tu
Plašim se na vjernost kad me zaklinju
pogrešni u rukama me imaju
ali nikog drugog osim tebe mi
duša i tijelo ne priznaju
Obećao si u dobru i u zlu
spasi me od svih sto vuku me ka dnu
povukli smo između nas granicu
a osjećanja ne umiru
Sebe lažem da sretna sam bez ljubavi
a sve češće mi prošlost dah zaustavi
kao prvi put kada smo se poljubili
sebe tješim da vrijeme brzo prolazi
dok me sustižu emotivni porazi
gorko žalim za onim što smo imali mi
a što smo zauvijek izgubili

I'm happy without love

I'm one of those that wonder
seeking,but still didn't find any consolation
some fall,and never get up
I'd offer my life for you to be here
I'm scared when the swear loyalty to me
with wrong hands the have me
but no one else but you
soul and body don't recognize
You promised in good as in evil
save me from all that drag me to the bottom
we've drew the line between us
but feelings don't die
I fool myself that I'm happy without love
and more and more often the past takes my breath away
like the first time we kissed
I comfort myself that times flies fast
as emotional defeats are catching up
bitterly I regret for all that we had
and for all we've lost forever
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