Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
  • Riblja Čorba

    Vetar duva, duva, duva → traduzione in Inglese

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The Wind Blows, Blows, Blows

The time has come to travel
the way home has never been longer
although I don't have a fever
One minute I'm cold, the next I'm hot
And the wind blows, blows, blows
and my mouth is completely dry
oh, yeah, oh, yeah
I would like the content of my head
to be replaced with something stronger
maybe the stone will be good enough for this
I'd like to turn to stone
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeaah
Testi originali

Vetar duva, duva, duva

Clicca per vedere il testo originale (Serbo)

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