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  • Victor Manuelle

    Vivo orgulloso → traduzione in Inglese

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I live proudly

Look at me, right here
I'm the fruit of your great love
I'm your son, your creation
What do you think of it?
Time went by and that great dream
Has come true today
Look, Mom has in her eyes
An special shine
And she can't hide her smile
I know her and she's happy right now
I'm her son, her reason for living
Look, dad feels like his chest is about to burst open
He is proud of seeing me succeeding
Yes, just like me, he's sentimental
Look at me right here
I have the love of all these people who love me
And I am what I am
Thanks to you
And today I want to tell you:
"I live proudly, dad
Because since I was a child you taught me
About love and kindness
Because several nights you stayed up
Taking care of my sickness
Because you dried up my cheeks
Whenever you saw me crying"
"I live proudly, dad
Because you taught me how to be
A respectful and loyal man
Because you worked day and night to earn our bread
And to keep a family, sons and a home"
Look at me right here
I have the love of all these people who love me
And I am what I am
Thanks to you
And today I want to tell you:
"I live proudly, dad
Because since I was a child you taught me
About love and kindness
Because I learnt the difference
Between good and bad
Because you dried up my cheeks
Whenever you saw me crying"
"I live proudly, dad
Because you taught me how to be
A respectful and loyal man
Because you gave me siblings I can rely on
Because you worked day and night to earn our bread"
"I live being proud of the man I am
Of my siblings, of carrying your blood
And if life gives me another chance to choose
You would be my parents again"
Testi originali

Vivo orgulloso

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