Russia is waging a disgraceful war on Ukraine.     Stai con l'Ucraina!
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He's not asking if I'm doing well or not, never has he knocked on my door...
I've been waiting for a while, there's no news..
Secret wound in my heart, I can't seem to think straight..
Unfortunate events, I've let go..
My situation has, apparently, hurt your feelings..
I found the solution, I don't think it'll work..
I'll be able to forget about myself, I'll go through any kind of wind..
Only his breeze is my solution..
As he was leaving, he looked at me, he seemed so wounded, so injured..
I have never felt so defeated in my life..
Love at that moment fires my heart..
I have never felt so helpless, so small in the universe
As he was leaving he looked at me, he seemed so wounded, so injured..
I have never felt so defeated in my life..
Love at that moment fires my heart..
I have never felt so helpless, so small in the universe..
I have never felt so good with anyone like this before..
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