Hommat hanskassa, hanskat hukassa

투고자: Pgz18, 2017-10-11
  • 관용구: Hommat hanskassa, hanskat hukassa
  • 언어: 핀란드어
  • Explained meaning: 영어
  • Lyrics containing the idiom: 1 lyrics

Meanings of "Hommat hanskassa, hanskat..."


A humorous way of admitting that things are not going according to plan.

Lit. "The tasks [are] in the glove, the gloves [are] lost". A more idiomatic translation would be, ""The situation is in the bag, but I don't know where the bag is".

Explained by yoarastropheyoarastrophe on 水, 13/07/2022 - 07:47
Explained by yoarastropheyoarastrophe

가사의 "Hommat hanskassa, ..."

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