[SOLVED] Help me with finnish lines to english or spanish

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<a href="/ko/translator/bakugirl" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1356864">bakugirl <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
등록: 05.10.2017
Pending moderation

Hello, I'm translating a song into Spanish,
I wanna know if the translate in english is ok.
here are the examples:

-musta valo värjää pimeyden - Black light stains on darkness (?)
-ole tämän yön valonsäteeni- "there are no light rays this night" or "be my ray of sun"
-Kiivettiin hylättyjen talojen katoille-"Climbed to the roofs of abandoned houses"
-keksimään tarinoita toisistamme-to come up with stories about each other


<a href="/ko/translator/bakugirl" class="userpopupinfo" rel="user1356864">bakugirl <div class="author_icon" title="Page author" ></div></a>
등록: 05.10.2017

Thank you.